Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why do today if you can put it off....

Update on my last post. Client called to tell me the decision will now happen on Monday.

Great. More anxious waiting. I'm off for a bottle or two

A watched pot never boils

No picture today, just frustration...

On Tuesday, we pitched the largest piece of business that will come up in Russia this year.

We were great. Honestly, the idea we put on the table was just fantastic. I set up the meeting by telling the 12 (!) members of the pitch committee that we didn't expect them to buy anything, but that they should be excited by our creative thinking.

I think they were. Given that we were the fifth of six agencies to pitch, at least we were at the very least, light relief. At least I left thinking we had done the best we could do and now it's up to them to decide.

And I was told that they want to make the decision today. So, I was woken up by a text from the client asking me to call. Caffeine and adrenaline pumping, I made the call. He wanted.... more clarification about our proposal and the team structure. And no clues from him beyond that.

That was 4 hours ago...

Still no word. If pitching is the high in the ad business, the waiting is awful. I feel sick to my stomach - it's like being a teenager waiting for that pretty girl to call you because she said she would. Damn her...I didn't fancy her much anyway.

But this is worse. If we lose, I'll be heartbroken. But I'll also tell myself that it isn't the end of the world. BUT, if we win, it radically changes our business for the better. And in the current crisis, it's a huge opportunity.

This isn't like your team needing a goal or a try in the last few minutes of a game. In the immortal words of Bill Shankly, Liverpool FC manager; "It's not a matter of life and death. It's more important than that."

I'll let you know...

Friday, April 24, 2009

“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt”.

Mark Twain was, I fear, right.

I’ve wanted to start a blog for a few years, and now have my chance. I’ll give my thoughts on a lot of things: the business of advertising and marketing communications in general, specific campaigns from both our clients and others, my thoughts on what’s happening in our world of economic meltdown and new economies rising.

I’ll write about my thoughts on living and working in Russia; its culture, its quirks and its beauty.

And I’ll write about my family; my wonderful wife and beautiful children.

I’ll muse about sport in general and Chelsea FC in particular. I’ve been a fan for over 30 years, and there is a lovely symmetry that the Blues and I are now both so linked with modern Russia.

I’ll post and post. But will anybody be interested?

Having wanted to do a blog for so long, the fear is I suppose twofold: will anybody actually read it and will I have anything interesting to say. Time will tell.

The truth is, a blog is just a digital diary. And diaries are implicitly personal things, right?

So, forgive me, but I think the best thing to do is to write for myself. And if anyone is interested in what I have to say, then so much the better.

If not, Twain will be proved right. He was a sarcastic old bugger, but truth be told, he made a lot of sense.